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Hope, in the path not chosen

Chaos in beauty

Nowhere to go

Proverbial light

More Video Poetry


  1. Great vision and words. Luckily I don't have that one incident that refuses to do down with the sun, bad experiences eventually disappear into the darkness. I actually seem to have become one of those people who I used to disparage, still do, someone who is too busy to reflect on their life. I also think my extensive exercise program, which I have done day in, day out for decades, is the support that has filled in the cracks. But a hell of a lot of the writers/people I have connected with on facebook say they suffer from depression, it seems to be spreading.

  2. Wonderful, Anthony. I especially like "father's looming shadow" and "mother's --- castigation." I also appreciate the shift to a sense of hopefulness, if only for the moment. That's really what we live for, isn't it? Those damn magical moments. Smiles. xo

  3. Thanks for your thoughts Graham. Great to hear that you have a good program/regime, which sees you through. I wish I had more of that. Thanks for your honesty.

  4. Thank you Robyn. I thought youd appreciate some of those thoughts. Yes, those beautiful magic moments. xo


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