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Queensland Flood Disaster 2011

The mother and child in this last image were thankfully found alive. The father is still missing, presumed dead. 16 confirmed deaths at time of this post, but 53 are still missing.

(Apologies but the three videos that were here have been removed from YouTube).


  1. Hay there!
    Hay, I have an award waiting for you over at my blog!

  2. Aw this is sad!

    Anyways, I'm glad you liked the award! Thanks for the nice comment. You definetly deserve it. Your blog is very very great!

    Yes it does sound like we have a lot in common lol. I hate the anxiety crap! Well, I will go for now before I end up making your comments section a mile long lol.

    Can't wait to see more of the precious baby! Hope yall are doing great. Hope you have a great weekend! You do deserve it too. :)

  3. This is so terrible! It makes the flooding problems we had here look like nothing! I feel guilty for even posting about it. I hope all of your family and friends are okay...

  4. Thanks Pat. We are fine here in Syndey. Most of my family is further south, though my parents live by a river that is now getting quite big, so see what happens in days to come, but i dont think it will be anything like what we've seen this week.

    Thoughts also with the people of Brazil, who've also suffered and endured this week.

  5. I can't imagine the fear. My prayers continue.
    Thanks for this post.
    Stay safe, dear friend.

  6. It sure feels like our world is climatically stuffed now with all the floods all over the place. Thoughts to those in Australia's QLD & VIC affected regions and thoughts to those from Brazil, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Unbelievable, floods everywhere. It's just horrible. Keep dry everyone!


  7. Wow! that first image is haunting

  8. Thanks for dropping by Robyn, Ms Ozzi and baygirl.. certainly seen a lot of things this week that we wouldn't really want to see, let alone be involved in. Life changing for so many people...

  9. January 2011 will be a time that most Queenslanders will never ever forget. I am pleased to read that you & yours are all safe. My in-laws house was flooded along with thousands of others & now my father in-law lies in a hospital bed in Brisbane fighting off a terrible infection caused by a small injury to the sole of his left foot. He's been in hospital since last Friday.

  10. Omg Katherine, this is terrible! I hope your father recovers quickly. And I'm sorry for your in-laws too. Must be very hard for a lot of people up there. If anything, this has brought Australia together. A lot of people are upset about this.
    It certainly won't be forgotten.


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