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Bottomless River reader reviews

(Now available as a Free download. See bottom)

I have been meaning to write to say very sincerely how moved I was by "Bottomless River" and equally impressed by it - I thought it was such a sad and deeply interesting story and I thought you evoked it quite beautifully. – Ursula Dubosarsky, multi-award winning author.

I have to say I barely could stop each time my train ride journey came to an end. There was just something about that story that made me NEED to keep reading. A fantastic piece of work that you can be very proud of. - Chris

I'm going to be honest and say that as someone with a degree in English literature … I was slightly apprehensive when I picked it up.  Surely, it wouldn't be much good. I didn't put it down until it was finished.  It immersed me completely, made me cry and, most importantly, cast a whole new light on some of those dark corners of life that make us who we are.  … it's one of those rare books that leave you thinking about it from a raw emotional state …  a brilliant piece of literature … – Anon

It just celebrated it's 10th anniversary. 

Special trailer

The novella’s author, Anthony J. Langford, comes up with plenty of original similes as he explores guilt and regret. The main character’s inner turmoil seemed so realistic that I thought the writer had to be writing from experience. – Graham

I intend to have a second read!! The characters are great and very relatable… it’s quite remarkable and I love your writing style. -  Mandy 

You are an extremely talented writer and am looking forward to reading more of your work in the future...I get disappointed when a book I enjoy finishes as I just want to keep reading. - Sharon

The idea is excellent - basically a story based on one incident and its effects on a lifetime.  But told very well and succinctly.  - Jean

I found myself very understanding of the main character in terms of thinking and decision-making. It moved me, especially towards the end … A great read! Bottomless River goes on my bookshelf and will always be kept. - Zakieh

It makes you think how one action can change the outcome of the rest of your life. - Ryan

For me it’s a story of loss of innocence and betrayal and to what depths a human being can go to cope with this. I strongly recommend that you purchase this book without delay. – Carolyn

Available from Ginninderra Press in print and epub.
Also now from Abbey Books at 131 York Street Sydney. 

Comes with bonus extras.
Email the author for a bonus story.

(2021 Update - Some print copies still available. PDF Now available as a free download. see site below).

My Books

Poem - Get your Brave On

Get your brave on

Don thy mouse and thy QWERTY
It’s time to get a little nasty
As though fighting pederasty (pedo-nasty)
As fortune favours the singular
Pitted against the screen
Easier to scream
Without a chance of an echo
Especially when anonymous…

Or if it’s a friend, inverted commas  '  '
Comment, then delete and run
Comment, delete, run.
A cyber drive by
As courageous as the real thing.

Watch these keys depress
Such dashing!
Watch the formation of a strong opinion
So bold!
Witness the wit
(Carefully scrutinised before posting, naturally)
Such courage!
Combatant of the console
Battler of the black and whites
Sheath thy cable
from the USB port.
That’s enough for one day
The crusade has been fought.

Until tomorrow
When you return to the conventional world
And become yourself again
A person of opinions
Occasionally spoken
Not shouted
Yet mostly unshared.

My Books