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Pasta La Vista - The Battle of the Sexes

A decade ago when the World was Politically Correct Mad...
(but nowhere near as bad as it is now)

If you can't see it on your phone go to YouTube HERE

Thanks to my ex-girlfriend Sally, who is still a good friend and agreed for me to upload this.
(Update; Sally passed away in 2022)

Hope you got a kick out of it.

Until Next Time,

Japan Disaster: Rare Photos & Videos - Content Warning.

Pictures tell the story

I discovered photos much more distressing than these, though I do agree these are truly upsetting, but I did hold back. However I didn't shy away completely as I think it's important to grasp a tiny part of the human side of this tragedy and what actually happened rather than sweeping dramatic wave shots and simple numbers.

American Red Cross

Australian Red Cross

I honestly hope this is the end of these Disaster blogs for the rest of the year. Thoughts with everyone in Japan.

My Books

Video Poem - Life is a Beep

- Video Poetry

Based on a true story.

Thanks for dropping by.

Until next time,

The Final TillyCam - Part 7 - Rainforest

After a delay, here she is, in her last outing.

Ensure you watch until the end.

Watch HERE

Filmed near Port Macquarie NSW at the end of 2010.

TillyCam - In the vein of Andy Warhol's Campbell Soup Series. Must be in the same style but with different type of background. Now that the series is complete, it might make more sense as a whole. In case you missed any past instalments.. Here they are...

Part 6 - Sea Wall

(the rest unavailable thanks to YouTube music policy - asswipes)

Part 5 - Mall (at Xmas)

Part 4 - Beach

Part 3 - City Street

Part 2 - Suburban Street

Part 1 - Home

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I'm not sure what's coming next. A video poem, a short story..?
I'll figure it out then.