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Mental Health Month - The Scales

Mental Health Month

This series is about my personal battles. We all suffer in some form, some of the time. So perhaps you, or someone you know, may relate to these. There will be three poem/videos on anxiety/depression. One on Work Stress and the last on the difficulties of reaching out for help.

The Scales

The Scales

Like you
thy mournia by m.tau
at deviant art (with Permission)

(Perhaps subconsciously)
I seek that sweet spot
The pathway
Between what I deserve
What I’m owed
And what I should accept.

Between the need
To be nurtured
And to nurture another.

Between putting on a happy face
And actually feeling it.

Being outraged
And realising it’s not personal
Merely a generic trend.

To drowning genuine sorrows
And sagging in self pity.

To seeking love
Seeking companionship
Without being subservient
Or building unrealistic expectations.

Having the sense
And wisdom
To know
Where that Middle Ground
Is served best.

I fear
A perpetual reassessment
Never striking the perfect note
Hoping for a compassionate balance
More often than not.

9 p.m.

© ajl 2019

My Books

More in the Series on Mental Health

This poem and 9 others are now available in a pdf for download, called All Empires Crumble.

All are from 2019.

1 comment:

  1. I probably don't reassess enough, so consequently my "middle ground" is probably too close to my self-interest.


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