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Past catching up


Past catching up and overtaking

I have a new poem up at Fat City Review.

I sat in my car
Outside her house...

(In case it bothers you, I would give it an adult warning).

It's been up for a while but I wasn't aware.
It's up towards the top but there's plenty else to explore too.
Please leave a small comment there to support me and the good folks at Fat City.

Thank you.

Previous poems on this site, here

By the way, the Book Face artwork appears in the same issue.


My first poetry collection Caged Without Walls is full steam ahead.
Exciting news on who is writing the blurbs for the back cover.

Until then,
Thanks for dropping in.


  1. I'm back from Fat City. I really liked your poem (left a comment) and Fat City looks to be a great place.


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