It's been quite an experience observing her.
The Universe is a Tit
It's a whole existence
in a nipple
who gives a fuck
about the world 'out there'
and those 'important' entities
all their hoarded conceptions
the fashion sense
the existential crisis
there is no self stylised image
when there is tit
A Moon
has nothing
on a Boob
a Drive Thru Galaxy
no need for upgrades
consumerism is an empty illusion
there is only Beauty
a non hand me down
a non sold concept
fresher than truth
and discard all the words
all the false promises
isn't all else merely bullshit?
when there is tit
It's the closest thing
To pure satisfaction I'll ever have again.

I'm so excited for you, Anthony. Congratulations!! Great, amusing tit piece too.
And your little bub, when it arrives (if it hasn't already) will most likely be in competition for this sensual part of your partners anatomy. It will be his or her universe for quite some time.
ReplyDeleteGreat poem dedicated to the mammary gland.
Wow I just read your blog again & I missed your announcement on the birth of your daughter. Congratulations to you & your partner. I hope Mum & Bub are both doing well.
ReplyDeletecongrats for you xxx (aladreth) can't wait to see some piccies! hUgs to all xxx - you can write me at my work mail tomorrow - I'll be there - have a lovely nite xxx
ReplyDeleteThank you very much Robyn, Katherine and Aladreth. I appreciate your coming by and your kind words. x
ReplyDeleteIt's been a huge week in my life. And now I seem to respect breasts even more... ;)
I am soo pleased that little missy has finally arrived and you are finally able to feel the joys of fatherhood and no sleep like what us parents go through! lol ;) Welcome to this wonderful world! Glad that you have finally been able to join this club! :D xxxxxx Tilly is absolutely beautiful and she looks perfect in your arms Tony! xxxx Much love to you and your family! xxxxxx