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the featureless prevail

Distressed Poet - William Hogarth

Them vs. Us

Why is it that the featureless
Academic poets
The middle to upper classes
Professors, teachers and other
Unmoving particles
Inside the swirling dust bowl
Profess to love the classics
Both writers and poets
When many of the admired
Though far from all
Came from nothing?

The bourgeoisie know nothing of the endless struggle

The artistic urge
Like blood flow
Pushed down
Below the need
For sustenance
And the methods to reach it
To pay their rent
Among other things
Creative luxuries less affordable
As they had no one else
To cover for them (Mummy Syndrome).

They merely wish to be well read
To tick the boxes
Van Gogh
To be cultivated
Like Van Gogh’s perfect sunflower
Years after the severed flesh
Lost its atoms
And vomit stains
Faded into fabric.

I never knew these artists
Yet know what it’s like to yearn
And to go without
While occasionally pondering
The value of my own contribution.

I guarantee one thing
That those artist's work
Was never for Them.


Sex, Mates, the Comet and the Banker's Daughter

A true story

Heavenly and Earthly bodies

We went to her house at night
She was the bank manager’s daughter
And therefore of a higher class
My best mate
Was fucking her
It was a victory for the working class
Though I could only cheer
From the grandstand.

I was 18
He 17
She 16
She had long flowing blonde hair
Pleasant, blemish free skin
But we both knew
She had the personality of river trout
Though she wasn’t a bad person
And that counts for something.

We stood on her back doorstep
To observe the stars
With her dad’s binoculars
For this once in a lifetime event
‘Can you see it?’
‘I can see it.’
‘Look dickhead.’
‘Ah ok. There it is.’
‘You mean, that’s all?’
‘It’s not E.T.’
It was small but strong
White end proudly
Leaving  a faint trail
Across the bottom of the night sky
Halley’s Comet
It didn’t seem that impressive
As I’d seen
Many a shooting star
Growing up in the country
Halley's Comet - 1986
But we were told it was special
So there we were.

We watched it for awhile
I did appreciate that I wouldn’t see it again
(Though it’s feasible
I’ll be almost 100)
Yet I didn’t mind
Getting out of there
Returning my friend
To my car
And the night
And a little joint I was saving
Kicking back by the river
Listening to the ethereal
Electronic voices
Within Jean Michel Jarre’s                                                            
Which seemed further out into space
Than some steady white blip.

That comet’s burning somewhere now
And will keep going around and around
But people do not
And though I could not know
That my best friend only had four years left to live
That night,
I enjoyed the company more.

More Poetry 

The Penis conquers all

A player's market

Through time
And experience
She realised
That the way to his heart
Was not through his stomach.

She worked that knob
Like mud on a lathe
Like a plumber with a spanner
Like an architect with a T-Square.

She got this
Which led to that
In simple terms                                                                         
And quite simply
She achieved results.

She saw it as her strength
Rather than her weakness
Which, in time
Became her downfall
As placing faith in one notion
Leads to shortcomings
(So to speak).

She took the lesson
And rewarded the next
While the first was left
He hadn’t been so scrupulous.

 More Poetry. More Satire

Afraid of no emotion

Meeting ends

Death is eternal
It waits for us
Sometimes impatiently
Yet will not be denied.

I am not afraid of death
The option is to never have existed
To have been without
Emotion of any kind.

I am afraid of dying languidly
Of obstinate pain
And much time to think.

I am afraid of being afraid
I am not strong
I don’t want to be scared.

I am afraid to leave my daughter behind
Before she has grown up
She needs a father
She needs me.

I can say goodbye to the world
But I cannot say goodbye to her.

Dance of Death - a woodcut by Hans Holbein, 1538