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Deepfieldview - She's Adorable

 In memory of Danny Lackey.

If yuo can't see the video above on your phone, it's viewable on PC or HERE

Danny was Deepfieldview.

Thank you to Amber from
Your resource for all things shoegaze and dream pop.
Danny and Amber co-founded When the Sun Hits blog.

The Video

I shot the footage on the New South Wales North Coast during an warm, eerie windy night. I also filmed my daughter who is two. When I returned to Sydney I was checking out the footage as I was listening to this song for the first time. The beat matched the movement (a slight timelapse effect shot in-camera) and the two seemed to merge. The fact that it was called She's Adorable was also ironic. I had to make the video. It was only while searching to credit the band did I learn about Danny Lackey. Curiously he passed away only a couple of days before filming.

1 comment:

  1. The music and the video are truly in synchronicity. This is beautiful, and I love the ending. She's adorable indeed. Great work, my friend.



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