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Poem - Emotion Bad. Money Good.

You could argue that this isn't really a poem. It's different than what I usually write but it is what it is. Sometimes you just have to get things off your chest.

Emotion Bad. Money Good.

I really don’t like banks
Who does? 
I once complained to a particular Australian bank
Because they sent me sent me a bill
Which happen to arrive on Christmas Eve.
I sent them an email... no big deal
It wasn’t nasty, but I told them I thought it was bad P.R.

A few days later a rep rang me up… of course, while I was on holiday 
Wanting to talk about my complaint.
She came laden with a fistful of attitude
As though, I had a problem and how dare I
I told her calmly I thought it was bad customer relations to send a bill on Christmas Eve...
She said that my credit card bill was due
and couldn’t see the problem,
with no skill in hiding her derision
and perhaps that was the intent.
I guess that’s why she worked for a bank.

Officially speaking, she was right
My card was due
But couldn’t they have sent it a day earlier?
Or postponed it by a day or two?
Of course not.
There’s no emotive consideration to their practices
As though people don’t use emotion when considering their finances
As though people don’t care when their bills turn up
Such as Xmas Eve
And Birthdays
Two basic dates they could easily avoid.

This is why banks suck...
Their greed and coldness insurmountable.

So I grew determined
and paid that card off as quickly as I could.

Unfortunately I still have a credit card
Which I immediately clear to avoid paying interest.

But not with that bank
As they don’t live in my world.

A quick writing update. A poem of mine, Stocktake, has been accepted by The Rusty Nail. I'll link to it when it's up. Another one, The trade off will be published in the Speed Poets zine in November.
A poem I had previously accepted, The Ghost is now on hold. The Midwest Literary Magazine has had its grant severed. It may mean that they will no longer publish it, or anything else. It's a great shame as it looked like a fine publication. In print too. 
The best way out of a disappointment (and I get many rejections) is to keep submitting. I've been writing a lot of poetry lately. Not sure why but if I've got a flow on, who am I to argue.

I've almost finished work on my seventh novel. I know I keep saying that but as most of you know, I have a little girl I look after full-time, (though work 25hrs a week). It's been two and a half years for this novel and I'm keen to finish it. I always have faith that this will be the one but after years of this, I'll merely say, I'm getting ready for the next step, which is trying to find it a home.

My daughter will be two this week. She's an absolute gem, so much fun to be around. I couldn't ask for better. I know I will look back on this period of my life as one of the happiest. 

Until next time,

Poem - A Proximate Echo

Recently a poem of mine was published in the Speed Poets Zine Vol.11.6. It's on sale through their website and at their monthly nights in Brisbane. There was only a limited edition. As you can see, its simple in style, reminiscent of the poetry chapbooks from the 50's and 60's. I love the look of them and have subscribed for a year for only $20. I have another poem coming up in a couple of months, which I will also post here. (2021-Magazine closed)

The poem was written in June 2011.

Here's how it appeared in the magazine followed by the poem itself. 

A Proximate Echo

Feel that dryness in your mouth
The whimpering in the dark corner
Behind you
The trembling in the floor
It’s the future
Coming back to haunt you
Reminding you where you should not be
You allowed yourself
To be a willing vessel to Fate
To sail with the natural state of things
But you were not to know
It would take you to places
You did not want to be.

You've gone too far now
To begin anew
And wishing won’t do
(To wish is to plea is to panic
 And lose it all)
And so all that’s left
Is the minutiae of hope
A bare fragrance
That around the bend
The current may lead you to another stream
And perhaps acceptance
That making a mistake
Is normal.
If only you knew for certain
That it was redeemable.

Poem included in the collection Caged without Walls

My Books

Poem - A caged memory

A caged memory

I was eighteen
And she
Maybe a year younger
I don’t remember exactly
But she was thin
Short, cropped blonde
With no tits
But the rest of her was gold
She was a tomboy
Which I like
Yet without a name
For this recounting
Though I still feel her body against mine
Underneath the water
In the river
The summer of our lives
Or some such cliché
But she was real and sexy
And slightly bowed
To my confidence
Which I no doubt faked
Which was what allowed
My hand to roam down her flat stomach
Into her bikini
Without a fraction of protest
As I hugged her from behind
Her ass in my groin
Her body tight
In my arms
And we kept each other warm
In the cool flowing water
Despite the sun
And the other teenagers
That played and swam and laughed
And I’m thankful for rivers
In particular their color
As no one could see
What was going on
And I was probably in some kind of heaven
Because I can remember that one moment
All these years later
With considerable clarity.
I can still feel her
Though don't recall her name
Or what happened to her
As I’m assuming she moved away
Soon afterwards.

And maybe you’ve got one of those memories too
The one that got away
But not conquered
Lost along the way
To time
And the cellar of recollection
That is yours
And not theirs
And maybe you don’t want to know what happened to them
As that’s not the point
As they would be older too
And real
And less appealing.

We’re more than happy to be standing here
Looking back
When all things were better
As it’s our memory
And no one else’s
And that’s the best of us
And the best of them.

To this day, she will never know
That she’s never been better.

A true story

Rose colored

(Update: This post was published in 2012. The poem was then printed in my first Poetry Collection, Caged Without Walls (2013).

My Books

All Quiet in the Bell Tower

'It was one of those hot days where you can see the air rising up out of the ground...'

All Quiet in the Bell Tower

My short story was just published over at Narrator Australia. It's based on a real event that happened in January of this year while I was on holiday. (I'm the guy on the swing). It was one of those what the? moments...

(Story now available in the book, Pseudo Stars available HERE)

Even the dog was embarrassed. 

Please take a moment to leave a comment over at Narrator. Thank you.

Coming soon,
New original poetry.
Next month, a new video poem.

My Books