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2018 Best New Talent - Short and Sweet Festival Sydney
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Happy Christmas - Wherever you are in life, may you find some peace. If not, joy at this time.

In Space, No One can Hear Your Sleigh

It's not always great for everyone. Especially as we age and lose people and our health. If not, remember the times that were good. There were many.

Thank you for your support this year, those few who have interacted with this site and me. 

Thank you. 

May the year to come be a good one for you. 



A.J. Langford Books


  1. Love, peace and many moments of joy to you, my dear friend.
    I appreciate your support and friendship through the years.
    Be well. Hugs.

    1. Thank you Robyn. It's been quite a number of years now hasn't it.
      Peace to you.


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