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Oh my God, its so dangerous out there


It's dangerous out there, in the First World Zone.

Living the dangerous life



I’m no pussy

But I will admit

I got scared

I’m an honest type

You see,

I do catch trains

At night

On my own

I do drive a car

On freeways

In busy periods

I do own a laptop

I do heat a wheat bag

On occasion, for my back

I own a heater

Gas and electric

I live in a house

Which could be invaded

And probably catch fire.


I eat things I probably shouldn’t

I occasionally eat at restaurants

And frequent

Local fruit markets

I drink too much

I spend time under the Australian sun

And walk on (potentially cracked) pavements

I catch Sydney taxis


And shopping mall escalators

I spend too much time

On the internet

And doing a thousand other things

I apparently shouldn’t

Though I suspect

My only real mistake

Is watching the TV News.

C. 2013

More Poetry

Days in Love - my latest video

My very talented friend, Dominic Kirwan has a new book of poetry out entitled, Spreading the Bad Word.
His work is phenomenal. Without bias, the best Australian poet I've ever encountered. Bold is an understatement. He's one of a kind.

"Dominic Kirwan’s latest collection of poetry, Spreading the Bad Word, is jaw-droppingly delicious. Let Kirwan introduce you to his unique world that is intimate, appalling, and delectable all at the same time.’ "

Check it out HERE

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