Look at this image.
I'll discuss it more after the following.
Text Publishing Australia |
This was written in 2012 but still applies. In fact, never more than now. See bottom image.
Just another drunk with a pen
That’s a trademark
I can accept
Preferable to
another blogger with Me syndrome
Or another
middle-class wanker
With a literary
flowery play on words
With the need
And avenue to
Doesn’t the truth
count for anything?
Where is the sweat
and desperation?
That isn’t born
out of a need
To shock
Or to create a false,
try hard persona.
I want it genuine
Dripping with substance
And all its pain
By those who feel
it most
Those sensitive
Who are clinging
onto the lip of the abyss
Not because they
want to be
But because they
are scrambling hardest to get up
relieved on the surface
And not sitting on
the mountain
intellectual angles from afar.
The desolate do
not smell the sweet
But pungent to the
point of decay
The others on
their perch
May pretend to
Yet have never
Down on the
I’m slowly giving
up the compulsion
To give a fuck
But I’m not there
Just yet.
Years on, I'm a little closer to accepting that this is just the way it is. But I'm not there yet. The ones that are connected, have the most success. ie, those already in literary circles. The image above shows it perfectly.
"I'm afraid it takes more than mere talent to get anywhere these days. The world is simply brimming with talented people."
From Something to Live For - 1952
Almost every writer I've ever read about who was published, was connected in some way. Excluding those in my Famous After Death series. And even then, writers like John Kennedy Toole, who infamously committed suicide after not getting his novel published, had a lot of correspondence with a publisher beforehand.
J.K. Rowling, among others, whinge how they were rejected many times but she had an agent. Her work was being seen by the right people. If you don't have an agent and they can be just as hard to get, or a strong publisher connection, then forget it. You're invisible. Emailing your novel is pointless. No one will look at it.
It's even worse now. In today's 'woke' world you can be guaranteed that the work is not the most important factor. Identity politics is being used as promotional tools. You only have to turn on the TV to see how every company is bending over backwards to use 'feel good' content to push their product.
All one gender. All one colour. Where's the inclusion? Where's the diversity? No dissenting voices. The silence is deafening. It was never about equality. It's a power grab. The hypocrisy is staggering. |
It's a form of nepotism. The arts in particular are full of it. It's nothing more than a circle jerk.
At best, it's an exclusive club. To make things 'inclusive,' they create exclusivity. As a white male, I'm at the bottom of the pecking order. Purely because of my skin colour and gender. Ironic. But still wrong. In fact, it's worse, because they purport to be doing the right thing and hold the moral high ground. If you speak against it, you're branded a bigot and cancelled.
Hence, the final straw into why I had to go my own way.
If I'd known what was coming I would have done it years before. After completing my first novel, I banged on publisher's doors for fifteen years. After dreaming of being a writer from the age of eight. Forty-five years is a long time to hold onto a dream. Too long.
Apologies if this all seems a bit ranty. As mentioned, 45 years is a very long time.
I have more novels ready to go. Very different from anything I've published before. Mostly Young Adult and Sci-Fi. I've just lost motivation for now.
I think I need a drink haha
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