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Today, you will have a good day - Us & Them


Your present is this

Today you will have a good day
Today something will happen
That will make you smile.
Something will come your way
That will surprise you
A gift
To enrich your life.
Moments will pass
When you imagine your future
None of which will happen
Exactly as you picture.
Most won't happen at all.
Merely fiction.
Today, something will remind you
Of your past
Perhaps something pleasant
Perhaps it's opposite.
While you are in the present
You are also in both tomorrow and yesterday
You are a time traveller. 
Today may have its unsettling moments too.
But any experience
Forms part of the rich history
Of your life. 
Today is a gift
If you are able
To keep reminding yourself of that
Your day will be even better.

13 stories and 79 poems on the theme of connection, many positive like this one.  The book is dedicated to the memory of Sally Jones (Corvini). 

Makes for a perfect gift this Christmas, or for yourself!

Signed/inscribed HERE or through Amazon. 

Order print or ebook on Amazon UK

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Or signed/inscribed at AJ Langford Books

Makes for a great gift this Christmas!

Along with Seven other books, all on sale!

Please support the books this Christmas.

If I can't get a few more readers onboard I will have to stop publishing. Cost, time, effort and 'disappointment' over lack of interest. They are good books and deserve to be read. 

If you're already a reader, I thank you. You know who you are. And I know exactly who you are because there's only a few. Without you, I wouldn't have gotten this far. Respect.

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