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TillyCam - Cruise Baby - Part 1 of 7 - Home

In the vein of Andy Warhol's Campbell Soup Series.. the first of 7 short videos.. The themes will be the same with a different location each time. It will make more sense as the series goes on.. To be viewed collectively..
Clearly it's a little bit of craziness but with a dash of creativity too.

(Deleted thanks to YouTube music Policy) 

The music track is called Jona Vark by Australian Band, Gypsy & the Cat. (I do not own the copyright to the music. I reference the band in the hope that you will check them out. I have edited the track. The full song sounds different. The background soundscape is my own).

Next Post,
TillyCam Part 2


  1. LOL! Watched them all so far. Is it meant to be hypnotic/trance? I'm wondering what track 7 is going to be like? We shall see, hey!



  2. Oh, those were all so so adorable! :) Loved them. I'll be back to watch more. She's beautiful!

  3. interesting to say the least..what a cutie!


  4. you have a a great imagination and a lot of creative talent! Oh yeah, and a cutie for a daughter...

  5. Hiya Anthony...what a beautiful little girl you have there ... and thumbs up to the kooky guy at the end!!! You're in for a special Christmas this year..the first one with your little bubba!


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